Route map 2021
Follow the signs with the Lens op de Mens logo affixed to the lighting poles. The white signs point in the recommended walking direction. If you see black signs, you are walking the route in the opposite direction.
If you want to walk the route in 2 stages, you can follow the blue line between POI 10 De Heuf and POI 21 Little square in front of the church to cut off the route across the Oude Markt.
Where can you find photos by which photographer?
Walking along the route you will find information boards with the names of the photographers whose photos are exhibited in the nearby area.
How to find my pictures?
In the e-mail that was sent to them earlier, photographers can find the A(mateur) or P(rofessional) number of their selected photos.
All selected photographers can search through the lists below for the POI – Point of Interest where their photos are exhibited. The location of the POIs is indicated on the route map.
POI List Amateur Photographers
POI LIst Professional Photographers
Route map 2021
POI 1 CC Palethe
POI 2 Pelterke: wall of the old cemetery
POI 3 Pelterke: children’s playground
POI 4 Lindepaadje
POI 5 Rodenbachlaan
POI 6 Footpath entrance via Rodenbachlaan
POI 7 Footpath exit to Bemvaartstraat
POI 8 Little square at the statue
POI 9 Wall at the former police station
POI 10 De Heuf
POI 11 Oude Markt
POI 12 Dorpsstraat TIO fencing
POI 13 Little square Schuttersboom
POI 14 Ambachtsstraat
Route map 2021
POI 15 Corner Ambachtsstraat-Peltanusstraat
POI 16 Peltanusstraat TIO fencing
POI 17 Nieuwe Markt
POI 18 Footpath between Nieuwe Markt and Ursulinenstraat
POI 19 Ursulinenstraat
POI 20 Kerkdijk, next to the St. Martin’s church
POI 21 Little square in front of the church
POI 22 Kerkdijk: wall of the presbytery garden
POI 23 Corner Kerkdijk-Vloeterstraat
POI 24 Pastorietuin / Presbytery garden
POI 25 Kloostertuin / Monastery garden
POI 26 Finnish running track at Kerkdijk
POI 27 Wall of the old cemetery next to CC Palethe
Where can you find our guest photographers?
On the locations with the blue numbered dot you will find our guest photographers
- CC Palethe: RPS – Royal Photographic Society | Benelux Chapter 2021 Print Exhibition
- CC Palethe: Barbara Vandendriessche | Capturing the emotional body – Exploring visual poetry
- CC Palethe: Eddy Verloes | Losing our minds
- CC Palethe: WPC – World Photographic Cup 2021 | Team Belgium
- Footpath, entrance via Rodenbachlaan: members of the jury 2021
Johan Brouwers, Caroline Alida, Zjuul Devens, Andy Hens, Kattoo Hillewaere, Jim Lowe, Carol Olerud, Jos Verhoogen - Nieuwe Markt: Ilan Wittenberg (NZL) | Faces of Cairo
- Kerkdijk, next to the St. Martin’s church: Awards winners 2019
Marc Apers, Livinus Bleyen, Martin Krystýnek, Tijs Posen, Filip Santens, Peter Testelmans, Patje Vandebroek, Glenn Vanderbeke - St. Martin’s church: Bert Daenen | Behind the mask
- Monastery garden: Evi Polak | Real heroes never sleep
- Finnish running track: Vizualizator (SRB) | Serbian top photographers
- Finnish running track: HelPhoto (FIN) | Nordic Village
Photo search competition
This year we are once again organising a photo search competition for young and old.
You can pick up the participation form at CC Palethe, Jeugdlaan 4. The counter at CC Palethe will be closed during the weekend. You can download the forms via the links below and print them at home before coming to Pelt.
There are forms for 3 age categories:
This form contains details of photos that you should look for along the route of the open-air exhibition. On each photo exhibited, you will find a serial number starting with A (amateur photographer) or P (professional photographer) in the bottom right-hand corner. Write down the number of the photograph that corresponds to the detail on the participation form.
You can bring the completed form to the tourist office in CC Palethe. A nice gift will be waiting for you.
Catering establishments on the route map
The names on the roadmap in italics indicate the catering establishments located along the exhibition route.